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신체의 지방에서 체취 한 지방세포로부터

분리된 줄기세포로써 신체의 다양한 세포로 분화 할 수 있는

능력을 갖춘 만능세포

연구분야, 지방 줄기세포


신체의 지방에서 체취 한 지방세포로부터

분리된 줄기세포로써 신체의 다양한 세포로 분화 할 수 있는

능력을 갖춘 만능세포

지방 줄기세포

(Adipose stem cell)

신체의 지방에서 체취 한 지방세포로부터 분리된 줄기세포로써 신체의 다양한 세포로 분화 할 수 있는 능력을 갖춘 만능세포

지방줄기세포 다분화 연구

Strem, B.M. et al. Multipotential differentiation of
adipose tissue-derived stem cells.

Keio J Med 54, 132-41 (2005)

Current research for many applications is focused on the use of adult stem cells. The properties of adult stem cells that make them well-suited for regenerative medicine are (1) ease of harvest for autologous transplantation, (2) high proliferation rates for ex vivo expansion and (3) multilineage differentiation capacity.

지방줄기세포의 혈관 생성 연구

Moon, M.H. et al. Human adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells improve postnatal neovascularization in a mouse model of hindlimb ischemia. 

Cell Physiol Biochem 17, 279-90 (2006)

Two potential mechanisms could explain this proangiogenic effect. One is the release by hADSC of angiogenic growth factors, and the other is a direct contribution of injected cells by their incorporation into regenerative vessels.

지방줄기세포의 혈관 생성 연구

Miranville, A. et al. Improvement of postnatal neovascularization by human adipose tissue-derived stem cells.

Circulation 110, 349-55 (2004)

In mouse ischemic hindlimb, intravenous injection of CD34_/CD31_ cells was associated with an increase in the blood flow and the capillary density and an incorporation of the cells in the leg vasculature.

지방줄기세포(Adipose stem cell)란?

신체의 지방에서 체취 한 지방세포로부터 분리된 줄기세포로써

신체의 다양한 세포로 분화 할 수 있는 능력을 갖춘 만능세포

지방줄기세포 다분화 연구

Strem, B.M. et al. Multipotential differentiation of
adipose tissue-derived stem cells.

Keio J Med 54, 132-41 (2005)

Current research for many applications is focused on the use of adult stem cells. The properties of adult stem cells that make them well-suited for regenerative medicine are (1) ease of harvest for autologous transplantation, (2) high proliferation rates for ex vivo expansion and (3) multilineage differentiation capacity. 

지방줄기세포의 혈관 생성 연구

Moon, M.H. et al. Human adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells improve postnatal neovascularization in a mouse model of hindlimb ischemia. 

Cell Physiol Biochem 17, 279-90 (2006)

Two potential mechanisms could explain this proangiogenic effect. One is the release by hADSC of angiogenic growth factors, and the other is a direct contribution of injected cells by their incorporation into regenerative vessels. 

지방줄기세포의 생착률 효과 연구

Miranville, A. et al. Improvement of postnatal neovascularization by human adipose tissue-derived stem cells.

Circulation 110, 349-55 (2004)

In mouse ischemic hindlimb, intravenous injection of CD34_/CD31_ cells was associated with an increase in the blood flow and the capillary density and an incorporation of the cells in the leg vasculature. 

이용약관      개인정보처리방침

2H Bio 투에이치바이오

대표 조경두   /   주소 경기도 안성시 보개면 남사당로 98-7

사업자등록번호 364-86-01421   /   법인등록번호 134611-0099700

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2H Bio 투에이치바이오

이용약관      개인정보처리방침

대표   조경두   /   주소   경기도 안성시 보개면 남사당로 98-7

사업자등록번호 364-86-01421  /  법인등록번호 134611-0099700

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